24 Jun Flyer 9 SPACEdeck Posted at 12:00h in Beneteau Power, Flyer by Miroslav 0 Comments 0 Likes Navar / Beneteau Power / Flyer 9 SPACEdeck Flyer 9 SPACEdeck × KARAKTERISTIKEDizajn:BENETEAU PowerboatsDizajn interijera:Style & DesignDužina preko svega:29’10’’ 9.1 MDužina trupa:7.97 MŠirina trupa:9’10’’ 2.99 MDeplasman praznog plovila:7,392 LBS 3 354 KGTank goriva:2 X 76 US GAL 2 X 288 LTank vode:26 US GAL 100 LMaksimalna snaga motora:2 X 500 HP 2 X 500 CVCE Certifikat:B6/D10Functional and ergonomic, the Flyer 9 SPACEdeck displays impressive modularity, fulfilling the expectations of anyone who enjoys boatingFunctional and ergonomic, the Flyer 9 SPACEdeck displays impressive modularity, fulfilling the expectations of anyone who enjoys boating, whether it is for sunbathing, water sports with friends, sharing a meal with family, or fishing. With a large unobstructed area on the deck, high gunnels, the opening side platform to enlarge the cockpit and the sporty design, the Flyer 9 SPACEdeck is perfect for all nauticals activities. DETALJIPROFILI & IZGLEDI × PREUZIMANJAPREUZMI BROŠURUPREUZMI LISTU OPREMEPREUZMI CJENIK 30% popusta na sve uslugePopust od 30% za kupce koji kupuju nove jahte od NAVAR-a. Kupci imaju ovaj poseban popust u našoj marini tijekom tri godine. Vrijedi za suhe i morske vezove, putnički lift i servis, ali ne i za dijelove i materijal. REQUEST AN OFFER