26 Jan NAVAR 1025 PRO Posted at 15:43h in by navar 0 Comments 0 Likes Navar / Navar brodovi / NAVAR 1025 PRO NAVAR 1025 PRO × KARAKTERISTIKEDizajn:NAVARDužina preko svega:7.95 mDužina trupa:7.10 mGaz:0.55 mŠirina trupa:2.50 mDeplasman praznog plovila:1850 kgTank goriva:2 x 125 LTank vode:1 x 100 LMaksimalna snaga motora:125 HPMaksimalna brzina:20 knFamily Dayboat and Small CruiserThe first NAVAR's mass-produced boat. This family/fisherman boat with traditional lines is a fast boat with Yanmar 4JH3-DTE engine thanks to semi displacement hull shape below the waterline. It is favorite boat of local sailors who spend a lot of time on merchant ships and need a pleasure boat for family and fishing when at home. Boat has a very big self draining cockpit, swimming platform and prasctical deck. In the cabin there are 2 (3) berths, sitting corner, toilet, small galley and pilot station. Boat can be customized according to the owner's wishes! DETALJIPROFILI & IZGLEDI × PREUZIMANJAPREUZMI STANDARDNU PONUDUPREUZMI DODATNE INFORMACIJE 30% popusta na sve uslugePopust od 30% za kupce koji kupuju nove jahte od NAVAR-a. Kupci imaju ovaj poseban popust u našoj marini tijekom tri godine. Vrijedi za suhe i morske vezove, putnički lift i servis, ali ne i za dijelove i materijal. REQUEST AN OFFER